Zoho CRM - User Contact Creation and Modification Process
I. User Contact Creation - Normal Process
1. Check Slack Channel or Email for any request regarding new login creation.
Before creating a user profile, ensure that the email address does not exist in RLL and Zoho. Otherwise, you might end up creating a duplicate profile.
2. In the RLL system, check if the user profiles (email addresses) already exist.
- If user profile does not exist in RLL and Zoho, proceed with step number 3.
- If user profile exists in RLL but not in Zoho, proceed to Article II.
- If user profile exists in Zoho but not in RLL, proceed to Article III.
- If user profile exists in RLL and Zoho, proceed to Article IV.
3. In Zoho CRM, click the + button on the top right, and select Contact.
4. Fill in the required fields:
- Contact Owner (Sales representative)
- Account Manager
- RLL Role
- First Name / Last Name
- Status (Active)
- Contact Type (usually set to NA)
- Email
Note: do not forget to associate the user to their company and property. Failure to do so will result to the contact not to be created properly in the RLL system.
5. Click Save
6. Click the Okay to Publish to RLL checkbox. This will trigger the user profile to be push to the RLL system (webhook).
7. Confirm if the user profile exists in the RLL system by logging into RLL, click on User Admin, and search on the user profile through email address.
II. What should we do if the user profile exists in RLL but not in Zoho?
By definition, there are times that user profile exists in RLL but not in Zoho. You can verify this by using the Zoho lookup function (highlighted in red square).
There are a few reasons why this happens:
- The Zoho profile of the existing RLL user might have been removed or deleted. If this happens, you can check by clicking the Setup icon (upper right), and select
Recycle Bin under
Data Administration.
- If the profile is FOUND, you can restore it and make changes.
- If the profile is NOT FOUND, proceed to the next step:
1. Remove the existing user from the RLL system by opening the profile through User Admin, and click Remove Login Credentials under Quick Links.
2. Confirm the deletion of the credentials.
3. Fully remove the contact by clicking the Delete Contact link and confirm.
4. Once the contact was removed, back in Zoho CRM, follow the User Contact Creation Process (Article I, step 3) and trigger the webhook by clicking the "Okay to Publish to RLL" button.
III. What should we do if the user profile exists in Zoho but not in RLL?
1. Log into the RLL system, and click User Admin.
2. If the user is not found in RLL, perform the search in Zoho.
3. If the user profile is found, check the status. Usually, the status is "Archived".
4. Proceed to step number 3 of Article I and follow the user creation process. IF everything is already up to date, ensure that the profile is set to Status: Active and follow step number 6 of Article I (webhook) in order to push the update from Zoho to RLL.
IV. What should we do if the user profile exists in both Zoho and RLL?
1. Check the request. Most likely, there is a need to make an update with the email address of the existing user.
2. Perform a thorough search in the RLL system. You may want to use the criteria FIRST NAME and LAST NAME.
3. If the user profile was found but contains a different email address AND/OR first/last name, proceed to Article II, step number 1. The user profile needs to be removed and recreated through Zoho.
4. Single character modifications on the user's email address and/or first/last name can also cause discrepancies especially if the profile is synchronised with the Training Portal. It is best to have the profile updated by following Article II.
- Failure to perform Article II and doing shortcuts with the process might cause login issues and certificate discrepancies in the Training Portal.
5. After removing the user profile in RLL, make the changes in Zoho:
a. First and Last Name
b. Email Address
c. Associate the properties
6. Trigger the webhook by clicking "Okay to Publish to RLL".
7. Perform a search again through User Admin to ensure that the user profile was generated correctly.
V. User Contact Creation - Quick Create Process
1. User contact creation in Zoho CRM can also take place while a property is being created. If this happens, do not forget to set the complete information by following Article I, step number 4.
2. User contact being created using the Quick Create Process won't get synchronised to the RLL system because the webhook for contact is not used. It might transfer the user profile, but not all complete details such as the RLL role.